I wasn't too concerned at first since all the kids I encounter at the library behave well and just like to hang out and pet me. The littlest one did this at first. Then he and Stella decided it would be great fun to play tag. I was prepared to lay in my favorite spot and ignore them but it became really difficult when they kept running and jumping over me. I finally couldn't take it anymore and gave them a little warning snap. Hmmph, that got me locked in the bedroom for the rest of the evening. Fine by me. It was quiet in there. At least until they decided that Stella should join me. She was pretty worn out from all that running so it wasn't too bad.
Good news. I don't really know what these steroid pills are that they have been giving me but they seem to be working. My face was hardly puffy all weekend. I even felt like exploring out in the yard, something I hardly do anymore. And the best part is that everytime I get one, I get a peanut butter flavored treat. I love peanut butter. So, so very tasty.
This is Stella and I after the monsters, uh, I mean nephews left. We are worn out pups. It's a rare thing to be able to get a photo of Stella that isn't blurred.
Hey there, Domi
Ok, so you snapped a little... Well, you are entitled to warn them don't you think? Especially if you are feeling poorly.
We are so glad that the tablets are working. Maybe, just maybe you can go from strength to strength. Paws crossed
..and lots of licks
I'm with Max...
Woo are already not feeling the spunkiest...
They shouldn't have made it more diffikhult fur woo!
I'm glad to see woo are feeling a bit better and wanting to explore!
Hi Domi!
Glad to hear that the steroids are helping you!
Little kids sure can be annoying sometimes huh!
Good job helping your mom in the yard!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
That comment was from us. Our silly mom used the wrong account!
Hey Domi, we know all about the wild little ones. We keep our distance when they are around.
Inquiring minds want to know why you are on the floor and Stella has the comfy bed?;-)
Tail wags, the OP Pack
We understand the natural reaction to give the warning. You were just trying to prevent one of them from landing on you.
I finally stopped growling when Momma steps over me because I was tired of her growling back at me.
We wish you could meet the grandsons who come to stay with us for sleep-overs. They sit on the floor and pet us and brush us and rub our bellies. We ♥ them so much.
You were just setting limits, Domi. Mum feels everyone, human and animal alike, has that right.
If we are not feeling well and we growl, hiss or swat at her she says we are are just expressing how we feel . (She gives us our pills anyway, Bleeh!)
Hi ya Domi!
Just checking in to see how you are doing.
Hope you are having lots of fun!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
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